Hello, I'm nuggets nice to meet you :P

Monday, January 16, 2012

ehh I'm on a posting frenzy all of a sudden

Oh really? Foreign aid is only 1.5% of our GDP. A whole whopping 1.5%.  I am totally for rebuilding America and am a huge supporter of healthcare, but cutting foreign aid just isn't what will do it. What about that 15% on military? And really, again I am pretty privileged, but I don't really see how you can compare people not having AC to those starving in war-stricken countries, that just sounds a bit silly, doesn't it? Heck, where I live it gets to be 110 and I have no AC. I believe that we should not just focus on ourselves. I want to see America thrive, but I don't just want to be a citizen of America. I want to be a citizen of the world. I want to see others have enough to eat and be protected from violence more than I want my AC. And I support foreign aid. In fact, I think it's what I want to do with my life.

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